Cabitalism - FAQ

Booking Questions

Are there any extra charges?
Any extras will be shown at the time of booking. The total price on your confirmation is final. There are no hidden charges.
Is price per person or per transfer?
Prices for shuttle transfers are per person. Prices for private transfers are per transfer.
Can I cancel my booking?
Yes, 48 hours before arrival and you are entitled to a full refund. In case the cancellation is less than 48 hours before arrival, you are not entitled to any refund.
What information do I need in order to book?
You need to know the number of passengers, the accommodation address and the flight details.
How do I pay for my booking?
Payment is taken in full at the time of booking. We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Maestro, Diners Club and Discover credit and debit cards. We also accept payment with MasterPass.
How safe is it to use my credit card on your website?
Completely. Our system ensures safe encryption of your details. For your peace of mind, we will not store any of your credit card details.
I want to make a booking but the people travelling with me arrive on different flights.
We recommend that the details provided are those of the person whose flight lands last as this will ensure that all the other passengers are already waiting for them at the pick-up location.
How do I know what kind of car I will be transported in?
We are unable to provide specific makes and models of vehicles, as these vary depending on our partners.
I need to amend the name of the person travelling with me. How do I do this?
We only require the name of the lead passenger.
What if I forgot to add my flight number?
You should necessarily provide us with your flight number in order to book.
What if I cancel less than 48 hours before arrival?
In that case you should be charged the full amount of the reservation.
When do I pay for your services?
You pay once you confirm your reservation through your credit card.
What is included in the price?
Your transportation, gasoline, taxes, local taxes, tolls and gratuities.
When is my ride charged to my credit card?
The ride will be charged as soon as you confirm your reservation.
What is the baggage policy for transfers?
Every passenger may carry one suitcase and one handbag. In case that an extra vehicle might be needed due to extra luggage, customer shall be asked to pay for it.
I will be travelling with my pet. How do I advise you?
You should let us know in advance. There is no problem with that provided you meet IATA’s standards for pets’ travelling.
Can I bring a portable disability scooter?
Battery operated wheelchairs are considered as baggage and normal baggage allowance must be taken into account.
What currency will I be charged in?
You should be charged in euros.
How do I book a return transfer?
The same way you book a single transfer
How do I know if my booking has gone through?
You are going to receive a voucher with your reservation code.
Will I have to pay extra for waiting?
No, not in any case.
How can I amend my booking?
Through our website's homepage, by selecting"My Booking".
How can I cancel my booking?
Through our website's homepage, by selecting"My Booking", or by emailing us at

Travel Questions

Where is the meeting point at the airport?
In the arrival lounge there will be a driver waiting for you holding a sign showing the passenger name provided. The exact meeting point information is included in the reservation confirmation e mail.
What if my flight is delayed or cancelled?
Your flight will be monitored for delays to ensure your driver will be waiting for you at the correct time. If your flight is delayed your reservation will be updated.
What time will my shuttle service leave the airport?
If you have booked a shared shuttle service your vehicle will leave no later than 45 minutes after you contact our partner representative. All partners will try to keep waiting times to a minimum.
What do I do If I lose something on a vehicle?
Call the emergency number provided on your e-ticket.
What do I do if I have a complaint?
Submit your complaint within 28 days of your return date. Complaints arising from failure to follow our terms and conditions will not be considered.
We will need to make a quick stop to pick up our apartment keys. Is it possible?
Yes, absolutely.
I have lost my luggage. Can you collect it for me later?
We can transport it to you on an extra cost.
What languages does the driver speak?
Driver speaks English necessarily. No other language is obligatory.
What should I do if my flight arrives earlier?
Get in touch with us through the phone numbers you have been given.
What if the driver fails to meet me?
You should try to contact either the driver or our support team. We will try to find another driver for you or return your money. The return time is 5-7 business days.